Predicted to go blind, but Vibrionics intervened

Vibrionics is a natural healing procedure with energy balance as its character. It goes to the root cause so the healing is complete. The root cause might lie in traumatic experiences in childhood, even. Here is a case study from India.

A 40-year-old lady suffering from short-sightedness for two years contacted the practitioner on 13 July 2015.  She had been diagnosed with macular dystrophy. Her vision was RE-6/60, LE-6/24* and near vision was N36**. She had consulted doctors in India and London. She was told there was no treatment for this condition and that gradually she would go blind. They challenged her that if she did find treatment for this anywhere in the world, they would cover her expenses! She resigned from her job as an aviation engineer in December 2013 because of loss of vision. Patient did not have any other health problems. She was not on any medication, did however take some antioxidants. Patient confided that some family problems had caused her mental trauma during the past few years; this coupled with vision loss had made her feel depressed.

On 20 August 2015 she was treated with the two kinds of combos. This was the result.

The patient’s vision started improving within a month. Her improvement progressed gradually and eventually she started recognizing people, she could use her mobile phone, was able to read headlines on TV and in newspapers. Now she can read large letters and to assist her with small letters she has been given low vision aids such as magnifying glasses. As of 1 July 2016 her vision test results are as follows: RE 6/24, LE 6/9; near vision N18. Now she can also teach children. She is very happy and sings praises of her Lord for this return of her vision! She is continuing to take the above vibro remedy
